Saturday, May 3, 2008


This little blue-eyed cutie revived me from the photography drought I was in. I have not felt very inspired to take pictures lately, but my friend Kami called me and asked if I would come and take some pics of her 4 month old.

I felt alive again that dorky, or what?

I bought this little gem of a hat from JANA. You need to check out her Etsy Shop. I have been saving it for my little Lucy, but I couldn't resist busting it out early for a test run.

One day...if I ever decided to get serious about photography (that's a BIG "if"), then this girl would be my poster child. Well, after my own kids, of course! Isn't she irresistible?

For more of her, go HERE.


Unknown said...

Oh I absolutely do love it!!! Revival, how can I get some of that. Its taken blahg to BLAM! I love your new layout. How did you do it!? I love your photos. Really Great. And thanks for the birthday surprise.

Unknown said...

It was me- Amy

R & S Ward said...

Ali~ I love your pictures! You are a great photographer! I'll give you so more practice in just a few short (hopefully, short) months!


heidi said...

So cute! Love your new layout too!!

Abi said...

too darling! I love the little hat!

Amy said...

Very cute picture!

Anonymous said...

Awe that is so cute on her! I get stoked to see my goods in action! Thanks for supporting my little shop Ali! You are an awesome photographer!

Anonymous said...

Would you mind if I stole that picture to use in my shop the next time I make one of those?

ali said...

go for it, Jana!

Oler Family said...

Such cute pictures! That is the cutest hat ever!

The Steenhoek Clan said...

Sooo cute...absolutely love the hat...I will have to check her store out!

melissa ellen parker said...

You're amazing - and what a cutie with that hat on. I need to start buying for my future kids - I always worry this awesome stuff won't be around when the time comes!

melissa ellen parker said...

Oh, and I love the new header!