Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sam's Circus

He's officially ONE.

A glorious
binky sucking
crawling, climbing
tongue clicking,
mouth smacking,
nap taking,
dancing, head-shaking
outdoor loving
baby food hating,
teething, drooling

The theme for his one year party was undecided until I realized that he has made it through a year in the circus called OUR FAMILY!  That is not an easy task and he makes it seem effortless.

Happy Birthday Sammers!

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The Guests
{DeGraff Cousins, Grammy Gwen and Grandpa Jay, Brady & Ashlin Clan, Grandma Mary - not pictured}

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The Food


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The Cake

Sam was a little timid with everyone standing around watching him.  That didn't stop him from picking, then eventually digging in.

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Eventually he got "in the zone" and didn't want anyone bothering him.  Must be a learned trait.

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Lucy was happy to volunteer her help.

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We love this kid.